System architecture

The overall system of the custom blockchain application consists of the blockchain network that is formed from blockchain nodes and client applications that connect to the blockchain nodes via HTTP API.

Blockchain network

Blockchain network is a set of multiple blockchain nodes. Each node is connected to other nodes, and in total enough nodes should be online to form a quorum needed to elect new blocks according to Credits blockchain default consensus mechanics.

Blockchain node

Blockchain node is essentially a continuously running server that is connected to every other server inside blockchain network. The blockchain node software is the Credits Framework plus the Transactions, Transforms and Proofs implemented and provided by the owner of the private blockchain. It may be either uploaded via PaaS API or placed onto the blockchain node hosts directly if you’re hosting your own system.

The node holds it’s own copy of the blockchain, participates in blocks voting and block confirmations according to the current consensus mechanics and serves the HTTP API to the blockchain clients.

Blockchain client

Blockchain client is an application that connects to blockchain node HTTP API and interacts with the blockchain on one side and with the user on the other.

The client is expected to be able to generate and store user’s private keys, create transactions, provide proofs and upload signed transactions to the blockchain via HTTP API. Also, it should be able to interact with end user, however, design on this side is beyond the scope of Credits blockchain development.

For all the cryptographic and blockchain primitives implementation and for reference interfaces we advise to use open source Python common library provided by Credits. However, it’s totally possible to create a separate implementation in another language as long as the interfaces are conformed.

How this all fits together

So how do we put together all pieces of the system and deploy a production architecture fit for specific purpose?

The blockchain application architectures can be viewed from two angles - the deployment angle and the node ownership angle.


You may deploy your private blockchain in the Credits PaaS cloud system, within your own infrastructure or as a mixture of both. PaaS deployments are the simplest way and are most suitable for early stage development and simpler deployments that do not need tight control over the infrastructure. Own infrastructure deployments are suitable for higher profile production systems where full ownership of the system is required.

Also, own infrastructure deployments are required if you’re looking to develop a more customised system on our framework that goes beyond of what is possible within just Transactions definitions. E.g. if you need to redefine the consensus mechanics or introduce own network transport protocols.

A hybrid deployment where parts of the blockchain system are deployed on-premises at own infrastructure, while other parts are hosted at Credits PaaS cloud might be useful in case of multiparty setup, where both node control and cost-effectiveness are critical.


When talking about ownership we always mean control over blockchain nodes. And of course since Credits blockchain is only meant to be used in the permissioned environment - we assume all parties having access to blockchain are explicitly allowed to do so and no new parties can join the network without prior permission.

In the case of single ownership, all of the nodes in the network are controlled by the single party, and no other parties are expected. This is the simplest use case, and while it doesn’t utilise some of the key blockchain benefits like external audit, it may still be a practical use case for the sake of immutability or record of history.

Multiple ownership system is a preferred blockchain use case, as it allows to utilise external auditability features and establish trust between the parties.

Multiple ownership systems may be formed of equal or roughly equal parties, where every party has equal rights in consensus voting, or it can be formed with unequal proportion of voting power where one or few parties are controlling the blockchain while others are allowed to connect to network, read and verify the blockchain, but have no say over what will be written to it.

Architecture scenarios

Below we’ll cover a few common scenarios practical for different use cases.

Cloud-based single owner blockchain

Simplest scenario is when the blockchain is hosted on the Credits’ public PaaS. In this case you don’t need to worry about the hosting and support of your blockchain backend and only build and deliver your application to your clients.

The architecture will look roughly like this:

| Credits PaaS                                        |
| Alice                                               |
|   +------------+  +------------+  +------------+    |
|   | blockchain <--+ blockchain <--+ blockchain |    |
|   |    node    +-->    node    +-->    node    |    |
|   +---------^--+  +--^-------^-+  +--^---------+    |
|             |        |       |       |              |
|           +-v--------v-+  +--v-------v-+            |
|           | blockchain <--+ blockchain |            |
|           |    node    +-->    node    |            |
|           +-----+------+  +--------+---+            |
|                 |                  |                |
                  |                  |
              HTTP REST          HTTP REST
                 API                API
                  |                  |
     +------------v-----+      +-----v------------+
     | Client app       |      | Client app       |
     | Bob              |      | Carol            |
     |    +------------+|......|    +------------+|
     |    | blockchain ||      |    | blockchain ||
     |    | client     ||      |    | client     ||
     |    +------------+|      |    +------------+|
     +------------------+      +------------------+

So in this architecture your client app will connect to the blockchain via HTTP REST API exposed by the nodes. You will need to have a blockchain client to form transactions and sign them, it may be hosted inside your web app’s serverside backend or compiled into your mobile app. The easiest way to implement it is to use our common library written in Python. It will take care of all needed cryptography for you and will only require you to define needed business logic.

This architecture will suit the simpler case where you require the immutability of the blockchain and the history trail, but do not need a cross verification of the data between multiple parties. Client access may be given to other allowed parties beyond the blockchain owner himself.

Also under this scenario may also fall the case when the whole blockchain is hosted on your own infrastructure, still under full control of one party.

Multiparty cloud-based blockchain

A more advanced scenario, where multiple parties own pieces of the system and control their own nodes, however still having the nodes being hosted in the cloud.

+----------------------------------+    +----------------------------------+
| Credits PaaS                     |    | Credits PaaS                     |
| Alice                            |    | Bob                              |
|   +------------+  +------------+ |    |   +------------+  +------------+ |
|   | blockchain <--+ blockchain <-+----+---+ blockchain <--+ blockchain | |
|   |    node    +-->    node    +-+----+--->    node    +-->    node    | |
|   +---------^--+  +--^---------+ |    |   +---------^--+  +--^---------+ |
|             |        |           |    |             |        |           |
|           +-v--------v-+         |    |           +-v--------v-+         |
|           | blockchain |         |    |           | blockchain |         |
|           |    node    |         |    |           |    node    |         |
|           +-----+------+         |    |           +-----+------+         |
|                 |                |    |                 |                |
+-----------------+----------------+    +-----------------+----------------+
                  |                                       |
              HTTP REST                               HTTP REST
                 API                                     API
                  |                                       |
     +------------v-----+                       +---------v--------+
     | Client app       |                       | Client app       |
     | Alice            |                       | Bob              |
     |    +------------+|                       |    +------------+|
     |    | blockchain ||                       |    | blockchain ||
     |    | client     ||                       |    | client     ||
     |    +------------+|                       |    +------------+|
     +------------------+                       +------------------+

In this scenario, two parties (Alice and Bob) own equal parts of the blockchain and each has a client that connects to their own parts of the system. The client apps for Alice and Bob may be identical, i.e. two deployments of the same app or completely different apps developed separately. The only requirement is that these two apps have to be compatible in the blockchain client implementation.

Multiparty mixed hosting blockchain

An advanced scenario with multiple parties using the blockchain and one ultimate controlling party holding authority over the additions to it.

+----------------------------------+    +------------------+    +------------------+
| Credits PaaS                     |    | own deployment   |    | own deployment   |
| Alice                            |    | Bob              |    | Carol            |
|   +------------+  +------------+ |    | +------------+   |    | +------------+   |
|   | blockchain <--+ blockchain <-+----+-+ blockchain <---+----+-+ blockchain |   |
|   |    node    +-->    node    +-+----+->    node    +---+----+->    node    |   |
|   +---------^--+  +--^---------+ |    | +---------^--+   |    | +---------^--+   |
|             |        |           |    |           |      |    |           |      |
|           +-v--------v-+         |    +-----------v------+    +-----------v------+
|           | blockchain |         |                |                       |
|           |    node    |         |                |                       |
|           +-----+------+         |                |                       |
|                 |                |                |                       |
+-----------------+----------------+                |                       |
                  |                                 |                       |
              HTTP REST                         HTTP REST               HTTP REST
                 API                               API                     API
                  |                                 |                       |
     +------------v-----+               +-----------v------+    +-----------v------+
     | Client app       |               | Client app       |    | Client app       |
     | Alice            |               | Bob              |    | Carol            |
     |    +------------+|               |    +------------+|    |    +------------+|
     |    | blockchain ||               |    | blockchain ||    |    | blockchain ||
     |    | client     ||               |    | client     ||    |    | client     ||
     |    +------------+|               |    +------------+|    |    +------------+|
     +------------------+               +------------------+    +------------------+

In this scenario, Alice has three nodes deployed with Credits PaaS, while Bob and Carol have one node each deployed at their premises. Bob and Carol have the same access to blockchain as Alice, however, because they together have two nodes, while Alice has three - Alice nodes will always win the block voting process, so Bob and Carol effectively have no say over the writing to the blockchain, but can utilise it contents and verify it’s validity.

Practically there is no need to control voting via the pure number of nodes, consensus mechanics allows customised voting weight distributions that would result in the same behaviour without a need to host an overwhelming amount of physical blockchain nodes.